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Is Using A Random Serial Key Good?

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Good, now put them to good use. One thing you can do is chop them in 128-bit chunks and use them directly as symmetrical keys to encrypt messages. But more likely, you will want to generate a private/public keypair with it. To generate a RSA key, you would run. Openssl genrsa -rand bits -out privkey.pem -des3 This writes out a private key and encrypts it with a password that you must enter. When using this method, messages can be deciphered because the same keyword is repeated every 6 letters. When the key is as long as the message (one time pad) there are no patterns, and therefore it cannot be deciphered. However, this is true only when the key is truly random, which brings us back to the OP.

A key generator, often shortened to 'keygen,' is a program that creates unique, working product keys for software programs and operating systems.

Most software programs require a product key or some other kind of installation code before you can use the program, so having a tool that actually creates them would no doubt save you lots of money, especially if you've already paid for the program but lost the installation code.

Keygens go by many names, including 'product key generators,' 'CD key creators,' 'license key generators,' etc. No matter the name, all key generators create free, unique product keys for various software programs, video games, etc.

Unfortunately, like with most free things, there's a catch.

Is a Key Generator (Keygen) a Good Way to Get a CD Key?

The short answer: absolutely not. A keygen is not a good way to get create that installation key you need for your software or operating system.

A key generator may create a product key that your software will accept, but it will not find your product key.

Product keys created by key generators are not legal installation keys. The only legal way to obtain a product key is by purchasing the software yourself or by contacting the software maker directly to obtain a key.

No matter which key generator you might use, or where you download it from, using a product key other than the unique one that comes with an individual, legally purchased copy of a software title is illegal. Using a product key not issued by the software developer is certainly a violation of the agreement you make when you use the software.

Requiring a valid, unique product key is a software company's way of ensuring that each copy of their program is used only once and that each customer is paying for each copy used.

How Does a Key Generator Work?

The key generators you find online work similarly to the back-end tools that software makers use to generate legitimate product keys via a proprietary algorithm.

What a keygen creator has done to make a program that duplicates this proprietary software is either a) steal this software from the company, or b) reverse engineer the algorithm using a collection of valid product keys that he or she has obtained, probably illegally.

Sometimes, depending on the complexity of the program, the keygen comes packaged with one or more DLL or EXE files with the intention that they're written over the legitimate, original files so that the keygen will work properly.

Regardless of how, the end result is the same — key generators are not a legal, or ethical (in my opinion), a way of obtaining a key code to use for installing a piece of software.

What's a Quick Way to Find a Lost Product Key?

If you have a legal copy of a program that you've already entered a valid CD key into, but you've just lost the key, try a free product key finder program to locate the product key from your currently installed copy of the program.

This is a perfectly legal method of obtaining a product key because it's the same one you purchased when you first installed the program.

You probably already know about Lorem Ipsum or perhaps tools such as Random Text Generator, however what can end up happening is – despite the nature of the text – people still focus on the text and attempt to read it. When situations such as this happen, using completely random or gibberish text can come in handy.

When Lorem Ipsum Isn't Enough

Wikipedia defines Lorum Ipsum's common use as:

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphics elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout, by removing the distraction of meaningful content.

This works in a lot of cases, but sometimes you will have those who focus on the text ('hey, the text is in Latin') and attempt to read it because, after all, the text is pronounceable. Using random word generators can yield the same results ('hey, that text doesn't make any sense'). Obviously, this defeats the whole point of filler text.

So for cases like this, using completely random text to the point where it is just characters in paragraph form can be handy. One glance at the text and it is immediately obvious that the content is merely a placeholder.

Random Text Generator Tool

The Random Text Generator tool is a slightly modified version of a batch script with the same name (both are available for download using the links at the bottom of the article) which has been converted to an EXE file for ease of anticipated/typical use.

Default options are:

  • Text which is 3 paragraphs
  • paragraphs between 5 and 8 sentences long
  • sentences between 6 and 10 words long
  • words between 3 and 10 characters long

So by simply running the RandomText.exe file the output will open in Notepad and resemble something like the following:

Is using a random serial key good vs gross

Good, now put them to good use. One thing you can do is chop them in 128-bit chunks and use them directly as symmetrical keys to encrypt messages. But more likely, you will want to generate a private/public keypair with it. To generate a RSA key, you would run. Openssl genrsa -rand bits -out privkey.pem -des3 This writes out a private key and encrypts it with a password that you must enter. When using this method, messages can be deciphered because the same keyword is repeated every 6 letters. When the key is as long as the message (one time pad) there are no patterns, and therefore it cannot be deciphered. However, this is true only when the key is truly random, which brings us back to the OP.

A key generator, often shortened to 'keygen,' is a program that creates unique, working product keys for software programs and operating systems.

Most software programs require a product key or some other kind of installation code before you can use the program, so having a tool that actually creates them would no doubt save you lots of money, especially if you've already paid for the program but lost the installation code.

Keygens go by many names, including 'product key generators,' 'CD key creators,' 'license key generators,' etc. No matter the name, all key generators create free, unique product keys for various software programs, video games, etc.

Unfortunately, like with most free things, there's a catch.

Is a Key Generator (Keygen) a Good Way to Get a CD Key?

The short answer: absolutely not. A keygen is not a good way to get create that installation key you need for your software or operating system.

A key generator may create a product key that your software will accept, but it will not find your product key.

Product keys created by key generators are not legal installation keys. The only legal way to obtain a product key is by purchasing the software yourself or by contacting the software maker directly to obtain a key.

No matter which key generator you might use, or where you download it from, using a product key other than the unique one that comes with an individual, legally purchased copy of a software title is illegal. Using a product key not issued by the software developer is certainly a violation of the agreement you make when you use the software.

Requiring a valid, unique product key is a software company's way of ensuring that each copy of their program is used only once and that each customer is paying for each copy used.

How Does a Key Generator Work?

The key generators you find online work similarly to the back-end tools that software makers use to generate legitimate product keys via a proprietary algorithm.

What a keygen creator has done to make a program that duplicates this proprietary software is either a) steal this software from the company, or b) reverse engineer the algorithm using a collection of valid product keys that he or she has obtained, probably illegally.

Sometimes, depending on the complexity of the program, the keygen comes packaged with one or more DLL or EXE files with the intention that they're written over the legitimate, original files so that the keygen will work properly.

Regardless of how, the end result is the same — key generators are not a legal, or ethical (in my opinion), a way of obtaining a key code to use for installing a piece of software.

What's a Quick Way to Find a Lost Product Key?

If you have a legal copy of a program that you've already entered a valid CD key into, but you've just lost the key, try a free product key finder program to locate the product key from your currently installed copy of the program.

This is a perfectly legal method of obtaining a product key because it's the same one you purchased when you first installed the program.

You probably already know about Lorem Ipsum or perhaps tools such as Random Text Generator, however what can end up happening is – despite the nature of the text – people still focus on the text and attempt to read it. When situations such as this happen, using completely random or gibberish text can come in handy.

When Lorem Ipsum Isn't Enough

Wikipedia defines Lorum Ipsum's common use as:

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphics elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout, by removing the distraction of meaningful content.

This works in a lot of cases, but sometimes you will have those who focus on the text ('hey, the text is in Latin') and attempt to read it because, after all, the text is pronounceable. Using random word generators can yield the same results ('hey, that text doesn't make any sense'). Obviously, this defeats the whole point of filler text.

So for cases like this, using completely random text to the point where it is just characters in paragraph form can be handy. One glance at the text and it is immediately obvious that the content is merely a placeholder.

Random Text Generator Tool

The Random Text Generator tool is a slightly modified version of a batch script with the same name (both are available for download using the links at the bottom of the article) which has been converted to an EXE file for ease of anticipated/typical use.

Default options are:

  • Text which is 3 paragraphs
  • paragraphs between 5 and 8 sentences long
  • sentences between 6 and 10 words long
  • words between 3 and 10 characters long

So by simply running the RandomText.exe file the output will open in Notepad and resemble something like the following:

Is Using A Random Serial Key Good Vs Gross

If you would like to override these settings, you would need to run the tool from the command line and specify the appropriate switches. The help information (available by running 'RandomText /?' from the command line) displays the following information:

For example, the following produces 10 random sentences using the default sentence and word length:

RandomText /T 10 /P 1 1

This command produces a single paragraph with 20 sentences between 15 and 20 words long where a word is between 3 and 5 characters:

RandomText /T 1 /P 20 20 /S 15 20 /W 3 5


While a tool like this can seem a bit absurd, it definitely can have its place. Of course, the uses are not limited to mere placeholder text generation as pretty much anywhere you need to use garbage text, this tool can be of value.

Download Links

Is Using A Random Serial Key Goods

Random Text Generator – source batch files (more command line oriented)

Is Using A Random Serial Key Goodbye

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